Interlibrary loan form

Rules of the interlibrary loan

The PEB (Prêt Entre Bibliothèques) is a free service taken care by the media library. However, you must have a valid registration to the Media Library of Martigues to benefit from this service.

The documents are lent:

  • either to consult on the spot
  • or, if the lending library allows it, to borrow.

In the case of a borrowing, the reader commits himself or herself to return the document in the same condition it was given, within the due period, and to return it at the reception desk in the Documentation section. Keep in mind the documents are often out of print thus rare. Therefore, it is important to take care of it.

The BNF doesn't lend any document, but may allow partial photocopies of its works under certain conditions.

DVD, CD: for legal reasons, loan between libraries doesn't apply to these types of documents. Please do not request any of it.

Periodical: no library lends its periodical. Partial photocopies can be issued on request..

The Documentation section staff is at your diposal to register your request or to answer any matter relating to this service.

Bibliothèque Nationale de France = French national Library

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