Archeology Service Library

A librabry open to the archaeologist, researchers, students and any public interested in the matter.

The collection of the Archaelogy service of the City of Martigues was focused, at its beggining, on the Iron age. It diversified to the point of covering all of the periods, from the Prehistory to these days. It amounts to near 10 000 works : standard referent books, complsory books and periodical revue essential to the daily life of the archaelogy researchers.

Thematics :

  • general and local archaelogy
  • Martigues' heritage history
  • furniture, cartography, ceramography, and methodologies.
  • large collection of regional, national and international periodical revues.

On site consults or on apppointment.


Phone: 04 42 41 41 52 or 04 42 41 24 15 (Secretariat).

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.